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The official website is on

After hours, days, weeks of pain, trying to find a webhoster, then a template, trying to design a website and to publish it ...obviously the hoster must connect the domain name to the website builder website.... It's done, and published, and looks awesome...

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Chocolate ! Chocolat !

Chocolate ! Chocolat !

Yesterday was Chocolate day at home ... baked some chocolate cakes for the French class and some Mousse au Chocolat just for us...that was yummy Hier, c'etait le jour du Chocolat a la maison...deux gateaux au chocolat pour la classe de francais et de...

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Food photography, photographie culinaire

I am not very good at food photography and it's a shame...today I am trying to make my cakes' photos nicer with the help of IPhoto, but it is not perfect yet ! I assume I should get a better camera and some advice.Then I will be able to put nice photos...

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Very efficient today

Today I did a lot: - got my ABN number - ordered my common seal - designed and ordered my business cards Tomorrow I am going to the bank , and buy a fridge and an oven just for Fleur de Sel, and think about the website. Cheers. Fleur de Sel

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